Leader II will contribute to financing the following measures: - the acquisition of skills needed to help start an innovativ
e local development process which is integrated into the rural environment; - programmesof ruralinnovation consistingof operationsintegrated intoa local- deve
lopment process and showing three essential characteristics: innovative, impact as a demonstration, transferability; - transnational rural cooperation projects The approval of the first Leader
...[+++]II programmes At the end of March and beginning of April Mr Fischler approved a first series of 22 regional and national programmes under Leader II. These programmes involve Germany (8 regional programmes), France (5 regional programmes), Ireland (1 national programme), Italy (3 regional programmes), the Netherlands (2 regional programmes), Portugal (1 national programme) and the United Kingdom (2 regional programmes).
- des projets de coopération rurale transnationale L'approbation des premiers programmes LEADER II M. FISCHLER a approuvé fin mars et début avril une première série de 22 programmes régionaux ou nationaux au titre de LEADER II. Ces programmes concernent l'Allemagne (8 programmes régionaux), la France (5 programmes régionaux) l'Irlande (1 programme national), l'Italie (3 programmes régionaux), les Pays-Bas (2 programmes régionaux), le Portugal (1 programme national) et le Royaume-Uni (2 programmes régionaux).