That testimony stated three approaches for forests to help reduce carbon dioxide addition to the atmosphere: First, carbon dioxide can be taken out of the atmosphere by allowing the growing forest to absorb carbon and store it as wood; second, carbon dioxide can be taken out of the atmosphere by harvesting the forest before it decomposes or burns and storing the carbon in less rapidly decomposing forest products; third, carbon dioxide can be kept out of the atmosphere by using wood products as substitutes for aluminum, steel, concrete, brick and other products that consume more fossil fuels and release more carbon dioxide in their manufacture.
Dans mon témoignage, trois approches ont été proposées à l'égard des forêts pour aider à réduire l'excédent de dioxyde de carbone dans l'atmosphère. Tout d'abord, il est possible d'extraire le dioxyde de carbone de l'atmosphère en permettant aux forêts en croissance d'absorber le carbone et de le stocker sous forme de bois.