If we're talking about working jointly in Afghanistan now, for example, if we're going to send 1,000 troops into Afghanistan, I'm just wondering about the support for them from the United Kingdom and the United States, if those countries know they're going to have to provide the quick cover in case something serious happens, or if they're going to have to provide the lift to get them out quickly in case things get completely out of control for an interim period.
Si nous participons à des opérations conjointes en Afghanistan, par exemple, si nous y envoyons 1 000 soldats, je me demande quel appui ils recevront du Royaume-Uni et des États-Unis, si ces pays savent qu'ils devront intervenir rapidement si quelque chose de grave arrive ou qu'ils soient obligés d'évacuer nos soldats par avion si on perd complètement le contrôle de la situation.