I was getting the advice of what other organization was sponsoring that event; in other words, if the Government of Canada is going to be there at, let's say, $400,000 worth of sponsorship at Formula One in Montreal, what amount of money is the Quebec Government putting in, what amount of money is the Casino putting in, what amount of money is Hydro Quebec putting in, what amount of money is Molson putting in, what amount of money is Air Canada putting in.
On me signalait quel autre organisme parrainait l'événement; autrement dit, si le gouvernement du Canada versait 400 000 $ en commandites pour la course de Formule 1 à Montréal, on m'indiquait quel montant le gouvernement du Québec versait, quel montant le Casino, Hydro Québec, Molson et Air Canada versaient.