The 1. 2 million workers actually fall into a number of different areas
. I want to mention some of the major areas that the Canada Labour Code covers in terms of workers: the air transport industry; banks; crown corporations; the federal public service; first nations people; the postal service, with so
me 62,000 or 63,000 employees; the broa
dcasting industry; railways; the trucking industry; water transport; shipping and communications; as well as a number of oth
...[+++]er areas.
Il régit notamment les conditions de travail de l'industrie du transport aérien, des banques, des sociétés d'État, de la fonction publique fédérale, des autochtones, des services postaux comptant un effectif variant entre 62 000 et 63 000 de la radiodiffusion, des chemins de fer, du camionnage, du transport par eau ainsi que du transport maritime et des communications.