Mr. Lyle Vanclief: Certainly with the reallocation of the basic safety net dollars, it will mean the three provinces you heard from will have considerably more money than they have had in the past to use to support their industry, and we are certainly going to encourage them, if not more than encourage them, to make sure that money is used in a way that does help in income situations for producers in their provinces.
L'hon. Lyle Vanclief: Certes, en réaffectant les montants réservés au filet de sécurité, les trois provinces dont vous avez entendu parler disposeront de beaucoup plus d'argent que dans le passé pour appuyer leur industrie, et nous allons certes les encourager, si ce n'est plus, pour faire en sorte que l'argent serve à protéger le revenu de leurs producteurs.