Much of the house is used for entertaining dignitaries and others, and receptions of that nature (1455) We are trying to ensure that the portion of those houses the
y occupy for family reasons does accord to normal practices so that there is no disparity between what they pay and what ordinary soldiers pay. [Translation] Mr. Jean-Marc Jacob (Charlesbourg, BQ): Mr. Speaker, given the current state of public finances, how can the
minister of defence justify retaining such financial privileges for high ranking officers, in spite of the re
...[+++]asons he has just stated, while the government is preparing to increase rents by 25 per cent for persons in public housing?
[Français] M. Jean-Marc Jacob (Charlesbourg, BQ): Monsieur le Président, comment le ministre de la Défense peut-il justifier, dans le contexte actuel des finances publiques, le maintien de tels privilèges financiers octroyés à des hauts gradés de l'armée, malgré les raisons qu'il vient de nous donner, alors que son gouvernement s'apprête à augmenter de 25 p. 100 le prix du loyer des bénéficiaires de logements sociaux?