I would like to know if, while searching with his soul and conscience - and after receiving so many letters from all the churches of Canada, because I have never heard as much from churches since I got here, and even since I got into politics - my colleague considered the fact that, in Quebec, we separated the church and the state in our education system, on the basis of a report by Mr. Gérin-Lajoie, who had also produced a previous report.
J'aimerais savoir s'il a considéré, en consultant son âme et conscience, et aprés avoir reçu tant de lettres de toutes les Églises du Canada - je n'ai ailleurs jamais vu de ma vie les Églises faire autant de lobbying - que le Québec a fait la séparation entre l'État et l'Église dans le domaine de l'éducation après la publication d'un rapport rédigé par Paul Gérin-Lajoie?