In light
of the historic and recent marine tragedies, includi
ng the Ocean Ranger tragedy, the Cougar 491 tragedy, the Ryan's Commander tragedy, the Melina and Keith II tragedy, to name just a few incidents, as the petitioners say in their prayer, and due to fatalities unique to Newfoundland
and Labrador in the maritime setting, they request that Parliament reverse its ultimate decision and immediately reinstate the Maritime Rescue
...[+++]Sub-Centre in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador.
À la lumière des tragédies maritimes qui ont marqué notre histoire récente, notamment celles de l'Ocean Ranger, du Cougar 491, du Ryan's Commander et du Melina and Keith II, et en raison des catastrophes qui découlent des conditions maritimes propres à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, les pétitionnaires prient le Parlement de revenir sur sa décision définitive et de rétablir le sous-centre de sauvetage maritime de St. John's, à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador.