Speaker, I thank my colleague for highlighting what is, unfortunately, one of the portions of the building Canada plan that I did not have time to speak about, which is partnering with municipalities instead of the previous government's penchant for multiple announcements and no action. This has truly been a partnership with the municipal level of government across the country, not only in the sharing of the ga
s tax, which, as my learned colleague has just recognized, will be indexed going forward, but also an important GST rebate
...[+++] that will help municipalities, large and small, in all regions of the country be a strong partner in our economic action plan, in particular the building Canada plan and infrastructure.
Je parle d'un véritable partenariat avec les administrations municipales de tout le pays, non seulement dans le sens où nous partageons les recettes provenant de la taxe sur l'essence, qui, comme mon collègue vient de le dire, sera dorénavant indexée, mais aussi où nous accordons un important remboursement de TPS qui aidera les municipalités, grandes et petites, de toutes les régions du pays, à jouer un rôle plus important dans notre Plan d'action économique, plus particulièrement le Fonds Chantiers Canada et le volet des infrastructures.