White (North Vancouver): With regard to the rate of recidivism for persons convicted of first degree murder, second degree murder or manslaughter over the past 30 years, what has the government determined to be the number of those persons so convicted who, (a) reoffend, are formally charged and subsequently sentenced on a charge of first degree murder or, (b) reoffend, are formally charged and subsequently sentenced on a charge of second degree murder or, (c) reoffend, are formally charged and subsequently sentenced on a charge of manslaughter?
White (North Vancouver): Relativement au pourcentage de récidive chez les personnes reconnues coupables de meurtre au premier degré, de meurtre au deuxième degré et d'homicide involontaire coupable ces 30 dernières années, quel est, d'après le gouvernement, le nombre de récidivistes qui ont été formellement accusés et subséquemment reconnus coupables a) de meurtre au premier degré, b) de meurtre au deuxième degré, c) d'homicide involontaire coupable?