Paul, Simcoe North and Simcoe—Grey: (a) how many organizations have applied for funding and what is the name of each organization an
d amount of funding requested, broken down by fiscal year and riding in which the organizations are located; (b) how many organizations have been granted funding, what is the name of each organization and amount
of funding, and the date it was granted, broken down by fiscal year and ridings in which the organizations are located; and (c) how many organizations were rejected for funding and what is the n
...[+++]ame of each organization, amount of funding requested, date and fiscal year requested, reason for rejection and the name of the riding in which the organization is located?Paul, Simcoe-Nord et Simcoe—Grey: a) combien d’organisations ont demandé des fonds, quel est leur nom et combien chacune a-t-elle demandé suivant l’exercice et la circonscription; b) combien d’organisations ont reçu des fonds, quel est leur nom et combien chacune a-t-el
le reçu et à quelle date suivant l’exercice et la circonscription; c) combien d’organisations se sont vu refuser les fonds, quel est leur nom, combien chacune a-t-elle demandé, à quelle date et pour quel exercice, quel
le est la raison du rejet et quelle est la circons
...[+++]cription de chacune?