Mr. Linklater: With the new system, the fact that the expertise that has already been inculcated and developed at the IRB with the members as they are now, having that expertise — the documentation centre, the understanding of the broader cou
ntry trends and the constant gathering of information — available to the officers who will be doing the first-level information gathering, to the public servants who will be making the first-level decisions, as well as to the appeal division members will be helpful in terms of ensuring the de
cision making is as robust and curre ...[+++]nt with trends as it can possibly be.M. Linklater : Le nouveau système fait que la CISR a déjà reçu et développé des compétences qu'elle met — le centre de documentation, la compréhension des tendances générales observées à l'étranger et la saisie constante de renseignements — à la disposition des agents enquêteurs et des fonctionnaires décideurs de premier niveau, ainsi que des membres de la Section d'appel.