13. Emphasises the importance, also to the EU, of Russia's accession to the WTO and its implications for trade liberalisation as well as for its commitment to adhere to its rules, and is convinced that WTO membership will send an important signal to foreign and Russian investors, drive economic growth in Russia and enhance trade exchanges with the EU; urges the Russian Federation to not only work towards concluding the outstanding WTO bilateral Market Access Agreements, but also to fulfil and implement its commitments pursuant to the agreements it has already signed, such as the agreement with the EC;
13. souligne l'importance, y compris pour l'UE, de l'adhésion de la Russie à l'OMC et ses implications pour la libéralisation du commerce ainsi que pour son engagement à respecter ses règles, et a la conviction que celle-ci émettra un signal important à l'intention des investisseurs étrangers et russes; invite instamment la Fédération de Russie à améliorer son cadre institutionnel, à mettre en œuvre davantage de réformes structurelles, à stimuler la croissance économique en Russie et à renforcer les échanges commerciaux avec l'UE;