I will continue working and fighting for the issues that are important to the people of Scarborough—Agincourt: new immigrants and providing settlement services for them; ensuring that our local hospital, Scarborough Grace, remains open and functions as a complete hospital; upgrading our public transit and bringing the subway to Scarborough and Sheppard Avenue; and ensuring that our neighbourhoods are safe places to live and raise our children.
Je continuerai de travailler et de me battre pour ce qui importe aux yeux des habitants de Scarborough—Agincourt: offrir des services d'établissement aux nouveaux immigrants; garder l'hôpital local, Scarborough Grace, ouvert et pleinement opérationnel; améliorer le service de transport en commun en reliant au métro les avenues Scarborough et Sheppard et faire de nos quartiers des endroits sûrs, où l'on peut vivre et élever des enfants.