It embodies three principles: one, the victim is informed of which programs the criminal is taking part in, and how often; two, it can be seen whether, during his time in prison, he has shown discipline or not, whether he has committed criminal acts and whether he has been punished; and third, it can be seen whether the criminal has moved from one penitentiary to another, or his releases, and whether he was alone or not.
Cela repose sur trois principes : un, on informe la victime sur les programmes auxquels le criminel participe, à quelle fréquence; deux, on regarde si, pendant sa période d'incarcération, il a fait preuve d'indiscipline, de discipline, s'il a commis des actes criminels et s'il a été puni; et le troisième élément est ses déplacements d'un pénitencier à un autre ou ses sorties, accompagné ou pas.