Day: If I could just add to that, to use the two countries that you cited, it is obviously problematic to force them to recognize that, given the situation they face on the ground. However, if we look to some previous conflict areas, Afghanistan being the one that Canada perhaps knows best, I think there is some reason for an understanding that the inclusion of these issues at the very core of post-conflict is actually central to the resolution not only of the root causes of that conflict but also as part of the solution to change that society.
Cependant, si on considère le déroulement des choses dans certaines zones de conflit, l'Afghanistan étant le cas le mieux connu pour les Canadiens, je pense que l'on devrait être à même de reconnaître que l'intégration de ces enjeux au cœur des efforts d'après-conflit est essentielle, non seulement pour s'attaquer aux causes profondes du conflit, mais aussi pour trouver la façon d'opérer le changement social nécessaire.