Pre-dating Bill C-3, the following report provides an overview of core prerequisites a special advocate function and office should meet, including providing for the special advocate to have meaningful contact with the named person after the special advocate has obtained the secret evidence: Craig Forcese and Lorne Waldman, Seeking Justice in an Unfair Process: Lessons from Canada, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand on the Use of “Special Advocates” in National Security Proceedings,study commissioned by the Canadian Centre for Intelligence and Security Studies, Ottawa, August 2007, p. 61.
Un rapport antérieur au projet de loi C-3 donne un aperçu des critères de base que devrait respecter un régime d’avocats spéciaux, y compris le fait de permettre aux avocats spéciaux d’avoir de vrais contacts avec la personne nommée au certificat une fois qu’il a obtenu des éléments de preuve secrets : Craig Forcese et Lorne Waldman, Seeking Justice in an Unfair Process: Lessons from Canada, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand on the Use of “Special Advocates” in National Security Proceedings, étude commandée par le Canadian Centre for Intelligence and Security Studies, Ottawa, août 2007, p. 61.