The following five consortia will benefit from exemption (1) St Lawrence Coordinated Service On 13 October 1995, Canada Maritime Limited and Orient Overseas Container Line (UK) notified to the Commission the St Lawrence Coordinated Service (SLCS), a consortium agreement under which these shipping companies operate a joint liner service between the port of Montreal in Canada and various ports in North-West Europe.
Au total, les cinq consortia suivants bénéficieront de l'exemption: -1) Consortium St Lawrence Coordinated Service Le 13 octobre 1995, Canada Maritime Limited et Orient Overseas Container Line (UK) ont notifié à la Commission, l'accord de consortium, St Lawrence Coordinated Service (SLCS), dans le cadre duquel ces compagnies maritimes exploitent en commun un service de ligne entre le port de Montréal, au Canada, et différents ports du nord-ouest de l'Europe.