Imagine a marketing campaign, a public-private partnership by which the federal government joined forces with key festivals across the country to reach out to music tourists in the United States, for example, to bring them here to Canada and keep them here for longer than just a couple of nights by helping them put together a plan that gets them going from Osheaga in Montreal to the Regina Folk Festival and on to Edmonton, travelling by train, perhaps, in less than 10 days.
Imaginez une campagne de publicité, un partenariat public-privé dans le cadre duquel le gouvernement fédéral s'associerait aux principaux festivals partout au Canada afin d'amener les amateurs de musique américains, par exemple, à venir parcourir le Canada en train pour assister au festival Osheaga de Montréal, au festival Folk de Regina et à celui d'Edmonton, et tout ça, en moins de 10 jours.