I have not interviewed John Dennis, could not find him, but his case wound up in the news because he threatened to sue a testing facility, Anapharm, because, in the course of participating in a phase I trial that he had volunteered for and was being paid for, he had to suddenly, due to some cardiac effect, be transferred from the testing facility to McGill's emergency room, and he felt subsequently that this was so unexpected for him that he would sue the company.
Je ne l'ai pas interviewé et je n'ai pas pu le trouver, mais l'affaire a fait la nouvelle parce qu'il a menacé d'intenter des poursuites contre une entreprise qui fait des essais, Anapharm : en participant à des essais de phase I pour lesquels il était volontaire et rémunéré, il a dû soudain être transféré vers le service d'urgence de McGill à cause d'un problème cardiaque.