As befits the objectives, the 1985-89 special programme concentrates on three priority activities: - improvement of the environment with a view to creating more attractive working and housing conditions; - stimulating the interest of economic and industrial circles through promotion measures suited to local conditions; - setting up business and innovation centres to help prospective business people with procedures and making sure, by providing thorough analyses that conditions for the conversion of existing SMEs are right/.
Afin d'atteindre les objectifs, le programme special 1985-89 a ete etabl
i sur base de trois priorites : - assainissement de l'environnement visant a creer des conditions de travail et de logement plus attractives, - sensibilisation des milieux economiques et industriels par des operations d'animation appropriees aux specificites locales, - creation de centres d'entreprises et d'innovations visant a guider les candidats entrepreneurs da
ns leur demarche et assurer, par une analyse approfondie, les conditions de redeploiement des P.M.E.