whereas the 39 year-old Jafar Umar Talib from Jogjakarta, leader of the Laskar Jihad, which was established in the late 1990s, states that he has 10 000 fighters under his command and that he received his "education" as a Jihad fighter in Pakistan, and whereas, according to an Indonesian police source, Afghans and other foreigners are engaged in battle alongside the Muslim militia, fighting Christians,
considérant que Jafar Umar Talib, âgé de 39 ans, originaire de Jogjakarta et chef du Laskar Jihad créé à la fin des années 90, affirme avoir 10 000 combattants sous ses ordres et avoir reçu son entraînement de combattant du Jihad au Pakistan, et que, selon une source policière indonésienne, des Afghans et autres étrangers participent aux combats contre les chrétiens, aux côtés des milices musulmanes,