For example, “The financ
ing of the two main terrorist organizations operating in Colombia, namely the FARC and the National Liberation Army (ELN), originates from several sources, with the most important one being the drug trafficking:” “The Threat Posed by the Convergence of Organized Crime, Drugs Trafficking and Terrorism”, written testimony of Ralf Mutschke Assistant Director, Criminal Intelligence Directorate, International Criminal Police Organization - Interpol General Secretariat, before a hearing of the US House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, December
...[+++] 13, 2000.
Par exemple [TRADUCTION] « Le financement des deux principales organisations terroristes en Colombie, à savoir les FARC et l'Armée de libération nationale (ELN), provient de plusieurs sources, dont la principale est le trafic de la drogue : » « The Threat Posed by the Convergence of Organized Crime, Drugs Trafficking and Terrorism », témoignage écrit du directeur adjoint de Ralf Mutschke, Direction des renseignements criminels, Organisation internationale de police criminelle, Secrétariat général d’Interpol, avant une audience du US House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, 13 décembre 2000.