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The Northern Saskatchewan Conservation Board
The Northern Saskatchewan Conservation Board Act
The Northern Saskatchewan Economic Development Act

Traduction de «the northern saskatchewan conservation board act » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
The Northern Saskatchewan Conservation Board Act [ An Act to provide for the Conservation and Development of the Resources of Northern Saskatchewan in Game, Fish and Fur ]

The Northern Saskatchewan Conservation Board Act [ An Act to provide for the Conservation and Development of the Resources of Northern Saskatchewan in Game, Fish and Fear ]

The Northern Saskatchewan Conservation Board

The Northern Saskatchewan Conservation Board

The Northern Saskatchewan Economic Development Act [ An Act respecting the Economic Development of Northern Saskatchewan ]

The Northern Saskatchewan Economic Development Act [ An Act respecting the Economic Development of Northern Saskatchewan ]
In fact, the chair of our institute also sits as the Chair of the Northern Lights School Board in Northern Saskatchewan, where the population is 70 per cent Metis.

De fait, c'est la même personne qui préside notre Institut et la Northern Lights School Board dans le nord de la Saskatchewan, où la population est composée à 70 p. 100 de Métis.

As part of this initiative, in June 2013, both houses of Parliament passed the first suite of these regulatory improvements incorporated in Bill C-47, the Northern Jobs and Growth Act, which contained the much-anticipated modern Nunavut Project and Planning Assessment Act, the long- awaited Northwest Territories Surface Rights Board Act, as well as timely updates to the Yukon Surface Rights Board Act.

Dans le cadre de cette initiative, le deux Chambres du Parlement ont adopté la première série d'améliorations réglementaires en juin 2013 dans le projet de loi C-47, Loi sur l'emploi et la croissance dans le Nord. Il comprenait la Loi sur l'aménagement du territoire et l'évaluation des projets au Nunavut et la Loi sur l'Office des droits de surface des Territoires du Nord-Ouest, qui étaient attendues depuis longtemps, ainsi que des mises à jour opportunes à la Loi sur l'Office des droits de surface du Yukon.

As you are well aware, Mr. Speaker, having gone through that process where Conservatives decided that an agreement and a bill, which had substantial and profound consequences for people in softwood communities from coast to coast to coast, from northern Quebec to northern Ontario to northern Manitoba to northern Saskatchewan to northern Alberta and throughout British Columbia, the Conservative chair decided there would be no debate ...[+++]

Comme vous le savez, monsieur le Président, les conservateurs ont ainsi décidé d'interdire tout débat sur un accord et un projet de loi qui entraînaient de lourdes conséquences pour les gens des collectivités dont le bois d'oeuvre est le gagne-pain d'un océan à l'autre, du Nord du Québec au Nord de l'Alberta en passant par le Nord de l'Ontario, le Nord du Manitoba et le Nord de la Saskatchewan de même qu'aux quatre coins de la Colo ...[+++]

Treasury Board crowns include: the Agricultural Credit Corporation, Agricultural Development Fund Corporation, the Energy Conservation and Development Authority, Municipal Financing Corporation, New Careers Corporation, Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute, Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation, Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority, Saskatchewan Grain Car Corporation, Saskatchewan Government Printing Company, Saskatchewan Housing Corporation, ...[+++]

Les organismes d'État relevant du Conseil du Trésor sont: l'Agricultural Credit Corporation, l'Agricultural Development Fund Corporation, l'Energy Conservation and Development Authority, la Municipal Financing Corporation, la New Careers Corporation, le Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute, la Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation, la Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority, la Saskatchewan Grain Car Corporation, la Saskatchewan Government Printing Company, la Saskatchewan Housing Corporation, le Saskatchewan ...[+++]

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The fur marketing board started up in northern Saskatchewan and the province of Saskatchewan through the CCF movement saw the light that could empower the people to market their own product.

L'office de commercialisation de la fourrure a commencé dans le nord de la Saskatchewan et la province a trouvé, grâce au CCF, un moyen de permettre aux gens de commercialiser leurs produits.

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Date index: 2022-04-13