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Absence from school
Agricultural day release school
Agricultural school
Agricultural technical school
Association of Theological Schools in South East Asia
Attendance at school
Class attendance
Compensatory education
Country farm institute
Demonstration school
Divinity college
Divinity school
Education for highly gifted children
Educational institution
Elementary school
Experimental school
Farm school
Grade school
Junior school
Laboratory school
North East Asia Association of Theological Schools
Observation school
Practice school
Primary school
Primary section
Promote cultural collections in schools
Promote cultural venue in schools
Promote culture in schools
Promote schools as a cultural venue
School absence
School attendance
School for handicapped children
School for the blind
School for the deaf
Special education
Special teaching
Special-needs education
Teaching institution
Theological college
Theological school
Theological seminary

Vertaling van "theological school " (Engels → Frans) :

theological school [ divinity school | theological seminary | theological college | divinity college ]

école de théologie [ séminaire ]

Association for Theological Education in South East Asia [ ATESEA | Association of Theological Schools in South East Asia ]

Association for Theological Education in South East Asia [ ATESEA | Association of Theological Schools in South East Asia ]

North East Asia Association of Theological Schools

North East Asia Association of Theological Schools

educational institution [ school | teaching institution ]

établissement d'enseignement [ école | établissement scolaire ]

school attendance [ absence from school | attendance at school | class attendance | school absence | truancy ]

fréquentation scolaire [ absence scolaire | assiduité aux cours | fréquentation au cours | présence des élèves ]

demonstration school | experimental school | laboratory school | observation school | practice school

école d'application | école de stage pratique | école expérimentale

elementary school | grade school | junior school | primary school | primary section

classe élémentaire | école élémentaire | école primaire | enseignement élémentaire

special education [ compensatory education | education for highly gifted children | school for handicapped children | school for the blind | school for the deaf | special-needs education | special teaching ]

éducation spéciale [ école de sourds-muets | école pour enfants handicapés | école pour enfants sourds | éducation compensatoire | éducation pour surdoués | éducation spécialisée | enseignement spécial ]

agricultural day release school | agricultural school | agricultural technical school | country farm institute | farm school

école professionnelle d'agriculture

promote culture in schools | promote schools as a cultural venue | promote cultural collections in schools | promote cultural venue in schools

promouvoir un site culturel dans les écoles
From the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops: Terence Prendergast, Archbishop of Halifax; Ron Mercier, S.J., Dean, Regis College, Toronto School of Theology, University of Toronto.

De la Conférence des évêques catholiques du Canada: Terence Prendergast, Archevêque de Halifax; Ron Mercier, S.J., Doyen, « Regis College », « Toronto School of Theology », « University of Toronto ».

Many of them are very specialised schools in fields such as arts, music and theology.

Bon nombre d’entre eux sont des écoles très spécialisées dans des domaines tels que les arts, la musique et la théologie.

We must also mention the Turkish authorities’ inexplicable insistence on keeping the Theological School in Halki shut.

Nous devons également mentionner l’inexplicable insistance des autorités turques à maintenir l’école théologique de Halki fermée.

According to this authoritative source, the Turkish political leadership now accepts as 'grounds for war' the exercise by Greece of its right, recognised under international law, to extend its territorial waters in the Aegean to 12 miles, while continuing to oppose the re-opening of the Theological School of Halki.

D’après ce quotidien qui fait autorité, les milieux dirigeants turcs reconnaissent désormais comme «motif de guerre» l’exercice par la Grèce du droit, reconnu par le droit international, d’étendre à douze milles ses eaux territoriales dans la mer Égée, tout en continuant à refuser la réouverture de l’École théologique de Halki.

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So far as the reopening of the Theological School of Halki is concerned, this is a demand that the Union continues to raise forcefully with Turkey.

En ce qui concerne la réouverture de l’École théologique de Halki, c’est une demande que l’Union continue à soumettre avec force à la Turquie.

However, being fresh out of theological school he felt a need to consult a more experienced pastor for advice (1845) The Chair: Excuse me two minutes.

Mais, fraîchement émoulu de ses cours de théologie, il pensa qu'il devrait peut-être consulter d'abord un prêtre plus chevronné que lui (1845) Le président: Excusez-moi, vous avez encore deux minutes.

Honourable senators, I am also proud to say that Ms. Francis recently earned a certificate in theological studies from the Atlantic School of Theology.

Honorables sénateurs, je suis aussi fier de dire qu'elle a récemment obtenu un certificat en études théologiques de l'École de théologie de l'Atlantique.

whether it will urge the Turkish authorities to reopen the Halki Theological School and, should they refuse to comply, what measures it will take,

La Commission compte-t-elle exiger des autorités turques la réouverture de la Faculté de théologie de Chalkis et, dans la mesure où celle-ci refuse d'y procéder, quelles mesures prendra-t-elle?

Mr Verheugen's letter of 26 July 2000 to the chairman of the EPP Group, Mr Poettering, concerning religious freedom in Turkey, categorically states that the Turkish authorities' refusal to reopen the Halki Theological School constitutes a clear violation of the Treaty of Lausanne and calls on Turkey to respect the obligations concerning the rights of the Greek and Armenian communities enshrined in that Treaty.

De la lettre de M. Verheugen (26 juillet 2000) à M. Poettering, (président du PPE), sur la question de la liberté religieuse en Turquie, il ressort clairement que le refus des autorités turques de rouvrir la Faculté de théologie de Chalkis constitue une violation flagrante du traité de Lausanne, et que les autorités turques sont invitées à respecter les obligations découlant du traité de Lausanne en ce qui concerne les droits de la communauté grecque et arménienne.

We also have the Atlantic School of Theology and just outside my riding in Halifax West is Mount St. Vincent University.

On y retrouve également l'école de théologie de l'Atlantique et, juste à l'extérieur de ma circonscription, à Halifax-Ouest, l'Université Mount St. Vincent.
