Just as is the case for the entire titles of these rows, institutions shall disclose the values in rows {LRCom; 2}, {LRCom; 7}, {LRCom; 8}, {LRCom; 10}, {LRCom; 13}, {LRCom; EU-15a}, {LRCom; 18}, {LRCom; EU-19a}, and {LRCom; EU-19b} between brackets as the values disclosed in these rows reduce the leverage ratio exposure.
Comme c'est le cas pour les intitulés des lignes correspondantes, les établissements indiquent entre parenthèses les valeurs des lignes {LRCom; 2}, {LRCom; 7}, {LRCom; 8}, {LRCom; 10}, {LRCom; 13}, {LRCom; EU-15a}, {LRCom; 18}, {LRCom; EU-19a} et {LRCom; EU-19b}, les valeurs déclarées sur ces lignes réduisant l'exposition aux fins du ratio de levier.