25. Strongly believes that these challenges should respond to the following criteria: (1) are in line with the shared conceptual framework; (2) are major urban challenges with significant impact on cities, towns and functional urban areas in and between Member States; (3) cannot be solved by Member States unilaterally; (4) where an EU approach has a clear added value; asks the Commission to start working on mapping such challenges, but also identifying remaining bottlenecks, policy incoherencies or capacity and knowledge gaps, in close cooperation with all relevant stakeholders, particularly those at local level;
4) une approche européenne présente une réelle valeur ajoutée; demande à la Commission de commencer à recenser ces défis, tout en identifiant également les goulets d'étranglement, les incohérences politiques ou les écarts en termes de capacité ou de connaissance qui subsistent, en étroite collaboration avec l'ensemble des parties prenantes concernées, en particulier au niveau local;