However, it is appropriate to ensure that this exclusion does not give rise to distortions of competition to the benefit of the undertakings or joint ventures that are affiliated with the contracting entities; i
t is appropriate to provide a suitable set of rules, in particular as regards the maximum limits within which the undertakings may obtain a part of their turnover from the market a
nd above which they would lose the possibility of being awarded contracts without calls for competition, the composition of joi
...[+++]nt ventures and the stability of links between these joint ventures and the contracting entities of which they are composed.Toutefois, il est opportun de garantir que
cette exclusion ne provoque pas des distorsions de la concurrence au bénéfice des entreprises ou des coentreprises qui sont liées aux entités adjudicatrices; il convient de prévoir un ensemble approprié de règles, notamment sur les limites maximales dans lesquelles les entreprises peuvent obtenir une partie de leur chiffre d'affaires à partir du marché et au-delà desquelles elles perdraient la possibilité de se voir attribu
er des marchés sans mise en concurrence, sur la composition des coent
...[+++]reprises et sur la stabilité des rapports entre ces coentreprises et les entités adjudicatrices.