In Europe's capitals, there are a great many people who will convene for the Council on Thursday, and each time they go back home, if the Council meeting in Brussels has been successful, they say: 'It was all down to us, the heads of state and government', and if it was unsuccessful, they say, 'It was their fault, the people in Brussels!' You should tell the Council what you have told us here.
Dans les capitales européennes, de nombreuses personnes participent au Conseil le jeudi et, à chaque fois qu’elles rentrent chez elles, si le Conseil de Bruxelles s’est bien passé, affirment «c’est grâce à nous, aux chefs d’État ou de gouvernement», alors que s’il s’est mal passé, elles disent: «c’est de leur faute, là-bas à Bruxelles!».