Strahl: With regard to the special retirement allowance for deputy ministers approved by Treasury Board on July 14, 1988, (a) how many individuals are currently benefitting from this allowance and (i) how much pension is each individual receiving from the federal governme
nt per annum, using figures broken down by the amount of the allowance and the amount of the remainder of
their pension, (ii) what is the list of their names, (iii) what was the last employment position they held before receiving the Allowance, (b) how many individual
...[+++]s will be eligible to receive the special retirement allowance after the current fiscal year and (i) what is the list of their names, (ii) what is their employment position, (iii) how much will they be eligible to receive, using figures broken down by the amount of the allowance and the amount of the remainder of their pension, and since July 14, 1988, (c) how many deputy ministers have been recruited directly from the private sector, including crown corporations and what positions were they recruited from?Strahl: En ce qui concerne l'allocation de retraite spéciale pour les sous-ministres que le Conseil du Trésor a approuvée le 14 juillet 1988, a) combien de personnes touchent actuellement cette allocation et (i) quelle somme, décomposée selon l'allocation et le reste de la pension, chacune retire-t-elle cha
que année, (ii) qui sont ces personnes, (iii) quels postes occupaient-elles auparavant, b) combien de personnes deviendront admissibles à 1'allocation à la fin du présent exercice et (i) qui sont-elles, (ii) quels postes occupent-elles, (iii) combien ces personnes toucheront-elles, le montant étant décomposé selon l'allocation et le re
...[+++]ste de la pension et depuis le 14 juillet 1988, c) combien de sous-ministres ont été recrutés directement dans le secteur privé, y compris les sociétés d'État, et quels postes occupaient-ils au moment d'être recrutés?