to a broader range of information, increased use of technology and redeployment of additional resources to better attack the underground economy and combat smuggling. So far, fr
om savings realized through the administrative consolidation of headquarters, almost $13 million has bee
n reinvested in key customs initiatives such as enhanced technology at airports and border points to speed up the processing of travellers and goods and to facilitate the detention of contraband and high risk travellers (1215 ) In 1993 Revenue Canada customs
...[+++]seized a record amount of drugs worth more than $1.4 billion.
l'amélioration de la technologie dans les aéroports et les points frontaliers, qui permettra d'examiner plus rapidement les voyageurs et les marchandises et de faciliter la saisie des produits de contrebande et la détention des voyageurs jugés très dangereux (1215) En 1993, Revenu Canada, Douanes a saisi une quantité record de drogue valant plus de 1,4 milliard de dollars.