"competence requirements laid down in the objectives of the Guidelines for Common Core Content and Training Objectives for Air Traffic Controllers" Training" are the objectives which student air traffic controllers shall achieve for basic and rating training, as described in Eurocontrol, "Guidelines for Common Core Content and Training for Air Traffic Controllers" Training (Phase 1:Revised), HRS/TSP-002-GUI-01, second edition of 20.7.2001; and in Eurocontrol, "Guidelines for Common Core Content and Training for Air Traffic Controllers" Training (Phase II), HUM.ET1.ST05.1000-GUI-02, first edition of 20.7.2000 ;
"exigences de compétence énoncées dans les objectifs des Guidelines for Comm
on Core Content and Training Objectives for Air Traffic Controllers' : les objectifs que les contrôleurs de la circulation aérienne stagiaires doivent avoir atteints au terme de la formation de base et de la formation de qualification , tels qu'ils sont énoncés dans les Guidelines for Common Core Content and Training for Air Traffic Controllers (Phase I : Revised) d'Eurocontrol, HRS/TSP-002-GUI-01, deuxième édition du 20.7.2001 , et dans les Guidelines for Common Core Content and Training for Air Traffic Controllers (Phase II) d'Eurocontrol, HUM.ET1.ST05.1000-GUI
...[+++]-02, première édition du 20.7.2000 ;