I was going to go for a swim in the sea – it was an extremely hot day – at the ‘Italia’ bathing resort off Corso Italia, and I was about to dive into the water when I was recognised by an old childhood friend, a municipal councillor called Egidio Saccone, the owner of the
establishment, who said to me: “Mr Fatuzzo, as a Member of the European Parliament, speak out and try to ensure t
hat enthusiasts who practise all kinds of sports – swimming, boxing, field and track events, football, cycling, tennis and so on and so forth – receive a
...[+++]pension as well.
Je voulais prendre un bain de mer - il faisait très chaud - aux bains "Italia ", le long du Corso Italia , et j'étais sur le point de plonger quand un vieil ami d'enfance, conseiller municipal et propriétaire de la plage - il s'appelle Egidio Saccone -, m'a reconnu et m'a dit : "Fatuzzo, toi qui es au Parlement européen, parle aux députés et essaie de faire en sorte que les sportifs amateurs de toutes les disciplines - natation, boxe, athlétisme, football, cyclisme, tennis et ainsi de suite - aient eux aussi une pension.