(b) in any other case, on the first day of the month following two consecutive periods of 12 months — the second of which shall end after March 1, 2007 — during each of which the earnings that they were entitled to receive were equal to or greater than 10 per cent of the Annual Earnings Threshold, if the member already was or became a member of the Canadian Forces during the first month of the first period and remained a member of the Canadian Forces without any interruption of more than 60 days throughout those two periods.
b) dans tout autre cas, le premier jour du mois suivant deux périodes consécutives de douze mois — la deuxième période devant se terminer après le 1 mars 2007 —, durant chacune desquelles les gains qu’il a eu le droit de toucher ont correspondu à un minimum de 10 % du seuil des gains annuels, si au cours du premier mois de la première période, il était déjà membre des Forces canadiennes ou l’est devenu, et l’est demeuré, sans interruption de plus de soixante jours, durant ces deux périodes.