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Art trade
Background art
Challenge patient behaviour by means of art
Challenge patients' behaviour through art
Challenge patients' behaviour using art
Decorative arts
Exportation of works of art
Fine arts
Graphic arts
Maintain performing arts relationships
Plastic arts
Prior art
Sale of objects belonging to the national heritage
State of the art
Trafficking in works of art
U Art II
Use art therapy to gently provoke patients

Traduction de «u art ii » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
Understanding on the Interpretation of Article II: l (b) of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 [ U Art II ]

Mémorandum d'accord sur l'interprétation de l'article II: 1 b) de l'Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce de 1994 [ U Art II ]

Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XVII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 [ U Art XVII ]

Mémorandum d'accord sur l'interprétation de l'article XVII de l'Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce de 1994 [ U Art XVII ]

Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XXIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 [ U Art XXIV ]

Mémorandum d'accord sur l'interprétation de l'article XXIV de l'Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce de 1994 [ U Art XXIV ]

fine arts [ decorative arts | graphic arts | plastic arts ]

beaux-arts [ arts décoratifs | arts graphiques | arts plastiques ]

Place your arts offer in places relevant to your potential employers/contractors | setting up your arts offer in places relevant to your potential employers/contractors | set up your arts offer in places relevant to your potential employers/contractors | set up your arts offers in places relevant to your potential employers/contractors

installer son offre artistique à des endroits adaptés pour des employeurs/contractants potentiels

challenge patients' behaviour through art | use art therapy to gently provoke patients | challenge patient behaviour by means of art | challenge patients' behaviour using art

amener le patient à changer de comportement par le biais de l'art

foster relationships with others in the performing arts | maintaining relationships with others in the performing arts | maintain performing arts relationships | maintain relationships with others in the performing arts

entretenir des relations avec autrui dans les arts du spectacle

art trade [ exportation of works of art | sale of objects belonging to the national heritage | trafficking in works of art ]

commerce de l'art [ exportation d'objets d'art | trafic d'antiquités | trafic illicite de biens culturels | vente de biens culturels ]

background art | prior art | state of the art

état de la technique
Letters Patent Constituting the Office of the Governor General of Canada, 1947, R.S.C. 1985, Appendix II, No. 31, Art. II, and Governor General’s Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. G-9 (see also Mallory, pp. 15-22, 33-75).

Lettres patentes constituant la charge de gouverneur général du Canada (1947), L.R.C. 1985, Appendice II, n 31, art. II; Loi sur le gouverneur général, L.R.C. 1985, ch. G-9 (Voir aussi Mallory, p. 15-22 et 33-75).

As regards point (c), in order to avoid misinterpretations and unnecessary administrative costs and burden, the whole of Title V should apply from 1 January 2015 except as regards the application of the sCMO Regulation. Currently, the text of Art. 115(c) provides that only Chapter II of Title V (i.e. IACS) would apply from 1 January 2015, but other provisions, such as Art. 60-67 on general principles on checks, would apply already in 2014.As regards point (d), to make it possible to compare data and results, the monitoring and evaluation of the CAP (Art. 110) should apply from 16 October 2015 (i.e. after the CAP reform).As regards the tr ...[+++]

As regards point (c)xxx Currently, the text of Art. 115(c) provides that only Chapter II of Title V (i.e. IACS) would apply from 1 January 2015, but other provisions, such as Art. 60-67 on general principles on checks, would apply already in 2014.As regards point (d), to make it possible to compare data and results, the monitoring and evaluation of the CAP (Art. 110) should apply from 16 October 2015 (i.e. after the CAP reform).As regards the transparency provisions (Art. 110a - 110d), Art. 110c of HZ Regulation states that the farmers have to be informed about the publication of their names, municipalities, support amounts etc.

This means in accordance with Strategy Papers (art. 7.1), multi-annual indicative programmes (art.8.1) and other support measures (art. 11.2). The Parliament has no say in establishing these.

Le Parlement n'a pas son mot à dire dans l'établissement de ces documents, programmes et mesures.

Resale rights constitute an intellectual property right which allows an artist or his heirs to receive a percentage of the selling price of a work of art when it is resold by an art-market professional such as an auctioneer, a gallery or any other art dealer.

Le droit de suite est un droit de propriété intellectuelle qui permet à un artiste, ou à ses héritiers, de percevoir un pourcentage du prix d'une œuvre lors de la revente de celle-ci par un professionnel du marché de l'art tels les maisons de vente aux enchères, les galeries ou tout autre marchand d'art.

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Furthermore, it is quite likely that the European modern and contemporary art market, which is of particular significance for London, will be moved to Switzerland. This was, in fact, already evident a few weeks ago at the Basel Art Fair. The art market could, in fact, move outside Europe altogether, where this right does not exist.

En outre, le danger est réel que le marché de l'art européen, à la fois moderne et contemporain, et qui est très important pour Londres, soit déplacé vers la Suisse - on l'a déjà constaté avec la foire artistique de Bâle, il y a quelques semaines - ou même transféré hors d'Europe, en un lieu où ce droit n'a pas cours. Ce ne peut être notre but.

Lastly, the resale right is a form of tax on financial speculation in the art world. It is a tax that the art market can easily bear, as is proven by the introduction of a special VAT system on works of art in Directive 94/5, a special system which has not prevented an increase in sales quite the opposite not even in Member States which did not operate a VAT system.

Enfin, le droit de suite constitue une forme de taxe sur la spéculation financière dans le domaine de l'art. Une taxe que le marché de l'art peut supporter sans peine, comme le prouve l'instauration, par la directive 94/5, d'un régime particulier de TVA sur les objets d'art, régime particulier qui n'a pas empêché, bien au contraire, l'accroissement des ventes, y compris dans les États qui ne pratiquaient pas de régime TVA.

in the following fields: music, the performing arts, the plastic and visual arts, photography, architecture and children's culture as well as regards other forms of artistic expression (for example, multimedia and street art).

dans les domaines suivants : musique, arts du spectacle, arts plastiques et visuels, photographie, architecture et culture destinée aux enfants, ainsi que d'autres formes d'expression artistique (par exemple multimédia et arts de la rue).

This articles include, among others, provisions on "inciting, aiding and abetting, and attempt" (Art. 5), "criminal sanctions" (Art. 6), "liability of legal persons" (Art. 7), "sanctions for legal persons" (Art. 8) and the report on the application of the directive (Art. 9).

Ces articles comportent notamment des dispositions concernant "l'incitation, la complicité et la tentative" (article 5), les "sanctions pénales" (article 6), la "responsabilité des personnes morales" (article 7), les "sanctions à l'encontre des personnes morales" (article 8) et le rapport sur l'application de la directive (article 9).

Several art forms may qualify for support: the performing arts (dance, music, theatre, opera), the plastic and spatial arts, the applied arts and audiovisual works.

Plusieurs types de création artistique peuvent être concernées: arts du spectacle (danse, musique, théâtre, opéra), arts plastiques ou arts de l'espace, arts appliqués, création audiovisuelle.

FINES (million ecu) SOLVAY ICI CFK SOLVAY-ICI (Art. 85) 7 7 - SOLVAY-CFK (Art. 85) 3 - 1 SOLVAY (Art. 86) 20 - - ICI (Art. 86) - 10 - _____ ____ ____ 30 17 1

AMENDES (millions d'écus) SOLVAY ICI CFK SOLVAY-ICI (article 85) 7 7 - SOLVAY-CFK (article 85) 3 - 1 SOLVAY (article 86) 20 - - ICI (article 86) - 10 - ____ ____ ___ 30 17 1

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Date index: 2023-10-12