The operation raised competition concerns in the market for "non-forecourt sales" of refined petroleum products (i.e., gasoline, diesel, heating oil) in five areas of the Northern part of France (i.e., Pas-de-Calais, Nord, Aisne, Ardennes, Somme). As opposed to sales through gas stations owned by Total or PetroFina, non-forecourt sales are those made to either resellers (i.e., hypermarkets and unbranded gas stations) or large end users (i.e., transport groups, industry etc.).
Par opposition aux produits vendus dans les stations service à l'enseigne de Total ou PetroFina, il s'agit de ventes réalisées soit auprès de revendeurs (par exemple les magasins de grande surface ou les stations services indépendantes), soit auprès de grands consommateurs (sociétés de transport, industrie etc.).