Consequently, as it is also underlined in the letter of 17.12.2004, it concerns not only a legal and financially common condition, but also a condition which is included in the negotiations for the privatisation of the Shipyard from the outset and, in particular, in the form of a critical (sine qua non) condition, without which the completion of the sale of HSY’s shares would not have been possible.
Il s’agit, dès lors, ainsi que souligné dans la lettre du 17 décembre 2004, d’un terme qui, non seulement n’est pas légal ni conforme aux usages du commerce, mais aussi d’un terme qui est dès le départ intégré aux négociations relatives à la privatisation du chantier naval et, qui plus est, en tant que terme critique (sine qua non), sans lequel il ne serait pas possible de finaliser la vente des actions de HSY.