It thus extends the liberalization obligations already laid down under Community legislation to cover also: ./.- 2 - - transactions involving
the acquisition of securities not listed on a stock exchange (for example, securities of companies
dealt in on junior markets); - the acquisition of units of UCITS, whatever the nature of the se
curities, listed or unlisted, in their portfolios; - the admission of securities, shares or bonds
...[+++] issued by non- Community companies to the financial markets of each Member State.
Elle ajoute donc aux obligations de liberation deja prevues par la legislation communautaire : - les operations d'acquisition de titres non cotes en bourse (par exemple, les titres d'entreprises negocies sur les marches secondaires); - l'acquisition des parts d'OPCVM, quelle que soit la nature des titres cotes ou non, de leurs portefeuilles; - l'admission sur les marches financiers de chaque Etat membre des titres, actions ou obligations, emis par des societes non residentes de la Commumnaute.