revented from leaving their country of birth, intercepted at sea, unofficial channels, detention, rescue or dro
wning – and I would like to hear you say and say again that rescuing people at sea is a universal and fundamental duty, witness the case of the seven Tunisian fishermen,
and that it is the very minimum that we should expect – and then possibly forced repatriation, endless wandering in hostile transit
...[+++]countries, plus serious violations of human rights and so on.
Empêchement de quitter son pays, interception en mer, réseaux parallèles, enfermement, sauvetage ou noyade en mer – je voudrais vous entendre dire et redire que le devoir de sauvetage en mer est un devoir universel, fondamental, en pleine affaire des sept pêcheurs tunisiens, c'est le minimum que nous puissions attendre –, retour forcé, errance sans fin dans les pays de transit hostiles et violation grave des droits.