Sir Robert May: The answer to that is yes and no. If I could take as an example climate change, the recent report and the thing about which I spoke
yesterday evening, where the note I published was based upon discussions I had had with the Prime Minister and the cabinet about what the background facts were and what were my recommendations
personally as chief scientist were about the implications that had for policy-making, my own advice was based on my consulting with the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, which
...[+++] is the lead department in Britain in that, but also with the Department of Trade and Industry, which includes energy and also is importantly involved, and my consultation with the various arms of the scientific community, the Natural Environment Research Council, the MET office, and various such things.
Sir Robert May: La réponse est à la fois oui et non. Dans l'exemple du changement climatique, du récent rapport et du thème dont j'ai parlé hier soir, la note que j'ai publiée était basée sur des discussions avec le premier ministre et le cabinet sur les informations générales et sur mes recommandations personnelles, en tant qu'expert scientifique, sur les répercussions sur l'élaboration des politiques.