However, in the case of Sweden, which is the Nordic model, from which we drew some of the best parts and of course formed our own Canadian model, what was found was that the number of sex offences decreased, the number of workers withdrew, there were social programs put in place to help those who wanted to withdraw, and there was notably a decrease in the sex trade, which is what we are trying to do with this very bill.
Cependant, on a noté une baisse des infractions à caractère sexuel en Suède, qui a adopté le modèle nordique dont nous avons retenu les meilleurs éléments pour former notre modèle canadien. De plus, le nombre de travailleurs du sexe a diminué: des programmes sociaux ont été mis en place afin d'aider les travailleurs du sexe souhaitant quitter ce milieu, et cela a donné des résultats.