think they were able to look at the short
er-term benefits of those people that are hired for the actual construction, but then there
's also going to be some very long-term benefits with broadband, starting with folks that can actually run the broadband. You can have maybe even some Internet service providers, the micro ones, in communities that can help out, but it'
s also ...[+++] all the benefits that you'll get afterwards once you're connected to a good level of broadband and Internet, the e-commerce and e-health and everything else that gets involved.
On peut même imaginer l'émergence de petits fournisseurs de services Internet dans ces collectivités, et, bien sûr, tout l'éventail de choses qui se produisent une fois que l'on est connecté avec une bande large de bonne qualité, qu'il s'agisse de l'Internet, du commerce ou des soins de santé par voie électronique, et bien d'autres choses encore.