It is unfair because, under the present system and depending on the regions where they live, some people must work 15 hours a week for 12 to 15 weeks, or between 180 and 300 hours, before becoming entitled to UI. From now on, they will have to work 35 hours a week for 12 to 20 weeks, that is to say between 420 and 700 hours (1245) It is understandable that in regions where there is more work, people are expected to work for longer periods.
Maintenant, ça passera de 12 à 20 semaines de 35 heures, soit de 420 à 700 heures (1245) On comprend que dans des régions où il y a un peu plus d'emplois, on va exiger que les gens restent au travail un peu plus longtemps.