– (IT) Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, the World Assembly on Ageing organised by the Spanish Presidency, which is taking place 20 years on from the first conference on the subject, is certainly a unique opportunity for the entire world, not just the developed countries, to be able to focus on the extremely important and no less topical subject of the ageing population, which is the result of the new demographic trend, and the increase in average life expectancy, which is due, not least, to the progress made in medical science.
- (IT) Monsieur le Président, Madame la Commissaire, chers collègues, cette assemblée mondiale sur le vieillissement, organisée par la présidence espagnole, qui se déroule vingt ans après la première conférence sur ce thème, constitue certainement une occasion unique non seulement pour les pays développés mais également pour l'ensemble de la population mondiale.