Radical measures were taken: infected herds were slaughtered, as were neighbouring herds and contact herds, and although the occurrence of this admittedly limited but nonetheless worrying number of cases was to be expected, after the disease peaked at the beginning of April, the period over which a small number of cases have continued to occur is excessively long, and the Community has asked the British authorities to step up their eradication measures.
Des mesures radicales ont été prises : abattage des troupeaux infectés, des troupeaux voisins, des troupeaux-contacts et bien que l'apparition de ce nombre, certes limité mais néanmoins préoccupant, de foyers ait été attendue après un pic de maladie début avril, la période au cours de laquelle un petit nombre de foyers a persisté est néanmoins excessive et la Commission a exigé des autorités britanniques l'intensification de leurs mesures d'éradication.