And although it's nothing we can really get into deeply here, I have a sense that what may
happen over time is there will be an extradition desk at Foreign Affairs and they will generate a form of specific
agreement, and whenever a particular country would wish to have an ind ...[+++]ividual extradited they will simply phone up the extradition desk, the standard form of specific agreement will be used on a one-off basis, and extradition will take place that way rather than people trying to work within the bounds of a treaty, rather than our ever having to amend a treaty.
Bien que nous ne puissions pas véritablement approfondir le sujet, j'ai l'impression qu'au bout d'un certain temps, les Affaires étrangères pourraient ouvrir un guichet d'extradition chargé de dresser des accords spécifiques; il suffira à tout pays qui souhaite l'extradition d'un particulier de téléphoner à ce guichet, lequel utilisera le formulaire standard d'accord spécifique; l'extradition se produira de cette manière, ce qui permettra d'éviter de respecter les clauses d'un traité ou de modifier un traité.