Does the Leader of the Government in the Senate not agree, given that his government had agreed that Mr. Mulroney had been wronged and given that former chief justice Gold had confirmed the wrong done to him by calling it a grievous wrong, that at least his name should be withdrawn from the request for assistance if the government maintains, for some inexplicable reason, that the letter as a whole should still be out there in the hands of the Swiss?
Le leader du gouvernement au Sénat ne convient-il pas, après que son gouvernement ait convenu que M. Mulroney avait subi des torts, après que l'ancien juge en chef Gold ait confirmé ces torts, les qualifiant de très graves, que l'on devrait au moins retirer son nom de la lettre rogatoire si le gouvernement, pour une raison qui m'échappe, continue à insister que la lettre dans son entier doit rester entre les mains des autorités suisses?