Well, much to my dismay, we have produced, after eight years of study under this Liberal administration, a bi
ll that is terribly wrong and cumbersome (1655) The bill was intended to simplify and streamline a s
ystem so that young people, in particular, their parents and those who are tasked with the enforcement of you
th criminal justice would be able to work in a more suitable and responsive fashion, in a way that would be quick to
...[+++]adapt to the changing times and the way in which young people find themselves facing tough decisions which lead to their involvement in the criminal justice system.
Hélas, à mon grand désarroi, tout ce dont a accouché cette administration libérale, après huit années d'étude, c'est d'un projet de loi terriblement fautif et compliqué (1655) Le projet de loi visait à simplifier le système, à l'intention des jeunes en particulier, de leurs parents et des personnes qui ont la responsabilité d'appliquer la justice pénale pour adolescents.