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Analyse animal locomotion
Analysing animal locomotion
Analysing animal locomotion and gait
Animal locomotion analysing
Assisting locomotive
Automatic teller machine
Bank of issue
Banking engine
Banking locomotive
Banking operation
Banking services
Banking transaction
Booster locomotive
Braking systems in locomotives
Braking systems in trains
Cash dispenser
Central bank
Centre locomotive
Current maintenance of locomotives
Dynamics of locomotive brakes
Electronic banking
Federal bank
Home and office banking service
Home banking
Internet banking
Locomotive brake applications
National bank
Online banking
Perform maintenance on locomotives
Perform train maintenance activities
Pusher locomotive
Routine maintenance of locomotives
Running repair of locomotives
Self-service bank
Slave locomotive
Undertake maintenance on locomotives
Undertake maintenance on trains

Traduction de «Banking locomotive » (Anglais → Néerlandais) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
banking engine | banking locomotive | booster locomotive | helper | pusher locomotive


analysing animal locomotion and gait | animal locomotion analysing | analyse animal locomotion | analysing animal locomotion

voortbeweging van dieren analyseren

banking [ banking operation | banking services | banking transaction ]

bankactiviteit [ bankafdeling | bankoperatie ]

braking systems in locomotives | dynamics of locomotive brakes | braking systems in trains | locomotive brake applications

gebruik van locomotiefrem | toepassingen van locomotiefrem

Definition: A condition, so far found only in girls, in which apparently normal early development is followed by partial or complete loss of speech and of skills in locomotion and use of hands, together with deceleration in head growth, usually with an onset between seven and 24 months of age. Loss of purposive hand movements, hand-wringing stereotypies, and hyperventilation are characteristic. Social and play development are arrested but social interest tends to be maintained. Trunk ataxia and apraxia start to develop by age four years and choreoathetoid movements frequently follow. Severe mental retardation almost invariably results.

Omschrijving: Een toestand, tot dusver alleen bij meisjes aangetroffen, waarin een ogenschijnlijk normale vroege ontwikkeling wordt gevolgd door gedeeltelijk of volledig verlies van spraak en vaardigheid in voortbeweging en gebruik van handen, begeleid door afname van de schedelgroei, die doorgaans aan het licht treedt op de leeftijd van 7 tot 24 maanden. Verlies van doelgerichte handbewegingen, handenwringende stereotypieën en hyperventilatie zijn kenmerkend. Sociale ontwikkeling en ontwikkeling van het spelen komen tot stilstand, maar de sociale belangstelling blijft meestal intact. Rompataxie en -apraxie beginnen zich te ontwikkelen o ...[+++]

current maintenance of locomotives | routine maintenance of locomotives | running repair of locomotives

dagelijks onderhoud van locomotieven

assisting locomotive | centre locomotive | slave locomotive

tussenlocomotief | tussenspanlocomotief

central bank [ bank of issue | federal bank | national bank ]

centrale bank [ circulatiebank | emissiebank | federale bank | nationale bank ]

electronic banking [ ATM | auto-bank | automatic teller machine | cash dispenser | HOBS | home and office banking service | home banking | internet banking | online banking | self-service bank ]

elektronische bankhandeling [ automatisch bankloket | automatische biljettenverdeler | bancomaat | geldautomaat | internetbankieren | online bankieren | telebankieren | thuisbank | videorekening ]

perform train maintenance activities | undertake maintenance on trains | perform maintenance on locomotives | undertake maintenance on locomotives

locomotieven onderhouden | onderhoud van treinstellen uitvoeren | onderhoud van locomotieven uitvoeren | treinstellen onderhouden
While several African countries and organisations have signalled interest in the process, additional actors and counterparts for the EU ITs should be rapidly mobilised to implement and coordinate the partnerships – these “locomotives” could include beyond the AUC the regional economic communities (RECs) and the African Development Bank (AfDB), as well as individual countries.

Terwijl diverse Afrikaanse landen en organisaties al hun belangstelling voor dit proces hebben laten blijken, zouden er spoedig extra actoren en tegenhangers van de EU-uitvoeringsteams moeten worden gemobiliseerd om de partnerschappen uit te voeren en te coördineren; deze voortrekkers kunnen naast de commissie van de Afrikaanse Unie ook de Regionale Economische Gemeenschappen (RECs) en de Afrikaanse Ontwikkelingsbank, alsook individuele landen omvatten.

Public opinion does not really approve of the assignment of the two banks, which are the locomotives of the national economy, as it fears that the country will once again be given a subordinate role in the international division of labour.

De publieke opinie is niet erg te vinden voor het afstoten van de beide als motoren van de nationale economie beschouwde banken omdat zij bang is dat zij in de internationale arbeidsverdeling een ondergeschikte rol toebedeeld zal krijgen.
